Banza pasta is seriously a game changer. It’s packed with fiber and protein, great for keeping your blood sugar steady. And it’s also gluten free, for any fellow people that cannot tolerate gluten! I love adding sautéed veggies and sauce to my pasta, always switching it up each time. Tonight I was craving pesto, and this Healthy Vegetarian Pesto Chickpea Pasta did not disappoint!
This delicious vegetarian dish is packed with flavor and nutrition. Great for getting in a little extra protein and fiber! Gluten-free too.
What’s your favorite way to make pasta? I always crave pasta after going for a long run. It’s so neat how when you become an intuitive eater and learn to be more in tune with your body and listen to what it needs, eating is truly so fun and enjoyable! Immediate thoughts post-run: Pasta and pesto sounded good, and I wanted a little bit of extra protein cause I didn’t have any meat on hand, plus I added a little umami which the vegetables provided! It was quite the perfect combo if you ask me. 😉
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