Frequently Asked Questions

Welcome! Here I have curated the most common questions I get from clients as we get to know one another. Please feel free to read through these questions as you seek the dietitian who is the best fit for you and your goals. If there is anything else I can answer or clarify, please feel welcome to book your complimentary 15-minute discovery call.

What is a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist (RDN)?

A Registered Dietitian Nutritionist (RDN) is your nutrition expert. In order to earn this credential, I completed my bachelor’s degree, a robust internship, and passed the national board exam. I am also licensed in my home state of North Carolina, as well as in Georgia and South Carolina. 

Each year, I complete continuing education credits to keep my skills sharp and to stay on top of the best practices and recommendations to empower my clients on their journey to food freedom. 

What makes you different from other RDNs?

Many RDs offer a stigmatizing, weight-centric approach, giving their clients a meal plan or simply giving them basic nutrition education they could essentially find online. 

Instead, I combine all of my experience and different treatment philosophies into a comprehensive approach towards eating struggles; nothing is one-size-fits-all. I offer weight-inclusive, client-centered, compassionate, non-diet nutrition therapy to hold space for each of my clients to learn about their bodies and nutrition, voice their fears, and take the steps to heal their relationship with food for GOOD. 

I believe that embodiment and a regulated nervous system are keys to long-term recovery from disordered eating, and combine a somatic "bottom up" approach (using the body as a resource) with the traditional "top down" approach (traditional talk therapy).

In addition, I have had extensive training specifically in eating disorders, intuitive eating, trauma-informed care, and evidence-based therapeutic treatment modalities to further enhance my counseling. I work collaboratively with clients’ other healthcare practitioners such as their therapists and physicians to incorporate a multidisciplinary team approach.

What is Intuitive Eating?

Intuitive Eating is a self-care model for nutrition, based on an evidence-based framework that has over 100 science-backed studies showcasing health benefits such as improved metabolism, decreased disordered eating, improved body image, and so much more. This way of viewing nutrition is through a lens of self-care, rather than self-control.

Health is still a huge part of the equation. But rather than focusing on weight loss or outdated metrics like BMI, we focus on health behaviors, such as stress management, eating to support sustained energy, joyful movement, and a good night’s sleep. 

With Intuitive Eating, you find the eating patterns that support your health, energy, emotional needs, and joy, kicking stress and frustration to the curb. The expert practitioners of Intuitive Eating have earned the Certified Intuitive Eating Counselor certificate. 

What is a Certified Intuitive Eating Counselor?

A Certified Intuitive Eating Counselor is a healthcare professional, such as a Registered Dietitian, who has had advanced training in Intuitive Eating under the co-founders Evelyn Tribole, MS, RDN, CEDRD-S, and Elyse Resch, MS, RDN, CEDRD-S, FAND. 

Can you help me lose weight?

While I understand that weight loss is a very common goal, prompted by our society’s reverence of thinness at all costs, it isn’t a specific goal that I’ll work with you on. 

Through my Health At Every Size (HAES) and Intuitive Eating (IE) training, I’ve learned that health can be best achieved through healthy behaviors, not the number on the scale. 

When we work together on nourishing your body in a way that supports your mental, physical, and emotional health, this may result in weight loss or it may not. It all depends on your genetics, biology, and current eating behaviors.

I’ve also learned that our relationship with our body is also not that connected to our size. Through our counseling work together, we’ll work on your relationship with eating, food, and your body, while promoting healthy behaviors, so that you’ll feel better than ever - inside and out. Most of my clients end up feeling so much better they start to care less about their specific number on the scale! 

How do I know that we’re a good fit?

I’d love to chat with you! I offer free 15-minute consultations so that we can get to know one another, your goals, and my approach to see if we’re jiving. If yes, I’ll invite you to book your initial appointment. 

If things aren’t feeling in sync, I’d be happy to make a referral to another dietitian that I trust. My ultimate goal is for you to find food freedom and health, even if it is with someone else. 

How do I know if I need nutrition counseling?

Nutrition counseling may be right for you if: 

 - Your days are consumed with food thoughts, compulsive exercise, and anxiety about your body.
 - You’re ready to feel at peace with eating, food, and your body. 
- You have a diagnosed eating disorder such as Anorexia Nervosa, Bulimia Nervosa, Binge Eating Disorder, etc.
 - You want to manage a health condition like IBS, Diabetes, or PCOS with a non-diet approach.
 - You’ve been let down by diets and are ready for a better path.
 - You struggle with binge eating, food restriction, disordered behaviors, or orthorexic tendencies. 
 - You want to learn how to eat more balanced meals & cook from home.
 - You’d like support to improve your relationship with food. 
 - You want to improve your health & learn how to fuel your body free from restriction & diet rules.
-You want to dive deeper into your eating disorder recovery and not just be given a meal plan to follow.

Where is your office?

I offer both virtual or in-person sessions. Virtual sessions are conducted via a secure video conferencing platform. You’ll get the benefits of working with a Registered Dietitian, without the commute! In-person sessions are conducted in Columbia, SC inside the Columbia Counseling Collective located at 1817 Pickens Street. There is free street parking. Once you arrive, you'll walk straight back to reach the waiting area and I will come get you at your scheduled appointment time.

*Look for
this sign!

How can I ask questions?

As my client, you’ll be able to ask me all of your questions during sessions as well as between sessions via email or secure messaging in our client portal. If your question needs a longer answer, we’ll cover that in-depth at your next session. 

Do you offer GROUP programs OR OTHER SERVICES?

In addition to individual nutrition counseling, I also offer dietitian coaching to new RDs, meal planning & recipe ebooks, and a virtual intuitive eating program!


Do you accept insurance?

South Carolina insurance companies are not accepting dietitians in-network, therefore I unfortunately cannot accept health insurance directly. However, I am able to provide support with Superbills.

​​Superbills are essentially medical "receipts" for service. After we meet, you can submit them to your insurance provider to potentially get reimbursed after sessions. If your HSA/FSA covers nutrition counseling, I can accept this as well.

Reimbursement depends on your individual plan and coverage, but it is always worth reaching out to your health plan to see if outpatient nutrition counseling out-of-network would be covered! Refer to the handout below for a script when calling your health insurance representative.



Yes, I offer nutrition therapy for eating disorders on an outpatient level. I have experience working with teens and adults with: anorexia nervosa, binge eating disorder, ARFID, bulimia nervosa, OSFED, and orthorexia. In order to provide the best care possible, an outpatient treatment team consists of an eating disorder-trained therapist, an eating disorder-trained Dietitian and a medical provider, at minimum. I do require my clients to work in conjunction with a full treatment team as noted above. I am happy to provide appropriate referrals if you do not yet have a doctor or therapist on board for your care.

Eating disorder treatment is offered at varying levels of care. After we meet for an Initial Assessment, I will provide a recommendation for which level of care I believe best meets your needs. If a level of care higher than outpatient is recommended, I will provide supportive referrals for you to get the care you need and deserve.

Who do you work with?

I work with a wide range of clients, including those with an unhealthy relationship with food, eating, their body, and exercise. I specialize in working with adults who struggle with disordered eating, chronic dieting, body image, and eating disorders. I also help individuals who are sick and tired of the dieting cycle reach food freedom through intuitive eating. And lastly, I also specialize in disease management and general wellness/nutrition using a non-diet approach. 

I use an Intuitive Eating and Health At Every Size (HAES) approach to nutrition counseling, which means that I focus on health behaviors, not weight, as the goals for your progress. 

If you are looking for support with any of the following, I’d be happy to make a referral to a dietitian that I trust:

 - Night Eating Syndrome
 - Rumination Disorder
 - Sports nutrition
 - Pediatrics
 - Kidney Disease
 - Food Sensitivities & Allergies

What if I’m not in South Carolina?

I am a happy resident of Columbia, South Carolina, but am also licensed in Georgia and North Carolina. 

If you live somewhere else, I may be able to work with you, but this will vary depending on your state's nutrition licensure laws regarding medical nutrition therapy (MNT). Please contact me if you have any questions about your state's licensure laws. As of this time, I am able to see clients in the following states:
SC, NC, GA, AZ, CA, CO, CT, IN, MI, NY, TX, UT, VT, VA, WA, and WI.

I am a healthcare practitioner and would like to refer my patients to you, what’s the best way to do so?

I love partnering with healthcare practitioners to provide your clients with nutrition therapy! I often work closely with therapists and physicians in a multidisciplinary team approach. If you’d like to refer your patients to me, you can fax over a referral form to (839)-895-7779. I will take it from there! I’ll reach out and schedule their appointment with them. Thank you.  

I'd also love to connect with you and offer you marketing materials for your office. Feel free to reach out to schedule a time to connect.

How often will we meet together?

How often we have sessions depends on a variety of factors: what you’re seeking guidance on (for example those with eating disorders are recommended weekly sessions to begin), your budget, your goals, and your schedule. The majority of my clients meet with me biweekly for many months and then transition to monthly check-ins, but it is all individualized and can be customized for you!

 Caroline taught me how easy it is to add ingredients/foods to my meals that will easily make me less stressed about what I am eating. I loved learning about the difference between satisfaction and just being “full.” That is a tool I use every day now. Caroline has such a gentle approach and is so caring, I absolutely loved working together and continue to follow along with all of her resources and guides for nutrition and intuitive eating!

- Anna N. 

Working with Caroline last year was life changing. I didn’t realize how entrenched I was in diet culture. The work helped with more than my physical health and diet, it helped mentally. Would highly recommend!

 -Sumner B.

Caroline has truly changed my life. After years of yo-yo dieting, I developed a lot of anxiety around certain food groups. This led me to restrict myself and when I would indulge, I would eat too much and feel a lot of shame and guilt. In 6 short months, Caroline helped me get to a place of food freedom. She helped me to be able to enjoy my life where all foods fit!

- Alex D. 

I have known Caroline for almost two years. Of all the many dietitians that I have worked with, she is by far the best. Eating disorders are secretive diseases and what I love about Caroline is that I feel comfortable enough to be HONEST with her. She is passionate about her job and it shows through her work. If I could give 6 stars, I would!

 - candace c.

Caroline has been one of the best things that has happened to me! When we met I had a terrible relationship with food, among other things. We have been meeting frequently for the last two years and I cannot believe the progress I have made with her. I've learned to respect food, myself, and so many other things in this journey with intuitive eating and I am so thankful to have worked with her! 

- Katie C.

Caroline helped me lower my stress that accompanies trying to “eat clean” 24/7. She helped me realized that there are so many more factors that go into eating other than gaining/losing weight. I would highly recommend her to anyone who is struggling with their relationship with food, regardless if you are trying to gain/lose/maintain weight.

 -Kellie B.

 She makes you feel entirely normal and works with you based on your individual needs. She is also incredibly accessible and talking to her now feels like talking to one of my friends. 12/10 would recommend Caroline to anyone who struggles with disordered eating - she is incredible.

 - Jane C.

Working with Caroline has been an extremely rewarding and helpful experience. I have a history of disordered eating, and Caroline's empathy, care and knowledge truly helped me not only understand intuitive eating, but with her help I am closer to living in freedom from a disordered relationship with food and my body that has been in my life for over 25 years.  I am truly the healthiest I've ever been, and a large part of that is due to the help, care and resources shared by Caroline.

 - E. R.

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