Your journey towards peace with food and food freedom begins here. 

As an Intuitive Eating Counselor and Registered Dietitian, my approach is helping you find YOUR individual path to health, happiness, and food freedom. I offer weight-neutral nutrition counseling to help you break free from dieting, once and for all.

When it comes to nutrition & health, I guide you on how to make nutrition a form of self-care, rather than self-control. It’s finally time to take care of your body and learn how to make lasting, healthy habits free from any stressful, disordered diet rules.

Please use the button above to schedule your complimentary, 15-minute discovery call. I can’t wait to meet with you!

You deserve food freedom. 

Caroline Green, RDN, LD 
Registered Dietitian Nutritionist (RDN)
Certified Intuitive Eating Counselor
Non-diet Nutrition Therapist


P.S. Please note that while I do offer virtual services, state laws vary in my ability to practice Medical Nutrition Therapy (MNT). I am licensed in South Carolina, North Carolina, and Georgia, but am able to practice in a number of additional states. Please feel free to ask!

Fax: (803) 637-8582

are you ready to drop out of diet culture?

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Get ready for some yummy food with my 20 favorite recipes in detail. In this guide, you'll receive detailed ingredients and instructions to help you on your journey to nourishment!

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