Breakfast is often the meal that most of the clients I’ve worked with tend to miss. When we miss out on breakfast, we often tend to have more chaotic eating the rest of the day, to make up for lost energy. If you aren’t currently a breakfast person, just try! See how you feel.
Researchers have linked breakfast consumption with better vitamin and mineral intake [1], decreased risk of Type 2 Diabetes [2], decreased risk of weight gain [3], decreased risk of Cardiovascular Disease [4], and better concentration/memory and school performance [5].
This Carrot Cake Buckwheat Porridge is creamy, delicious, and nutritious! Packed with fiber, protein, and healthy fats, it’s a great way to get some whole grains into your day.
Keywords: gluten free, overnight buckwheat, whole grain buckwheat, whole grain porridge, vegan breakfast
Try this other breakfast recipe using Buckwheat – Overnight Cinnamon Apple Buckwheat Groats
1 – St-Onge, M.P.; Ard, J.; Baskin, M.L.; Chiuve, S.E.; Johnson, H.M.; Kris-Etherton, P.; Varady, K.; American Heart Association Obesity Committee of the Council on Lifestyle and Cardiometabolic Health; Council on Cardiovascular Disease in the Young; Council on Clinical Cardiology; Stroke Council. Meal Timing and Frequency: Implications for Cardiovascular Disease Prevention: A Scientific Statement from the American Heart Association. Circulation 2017, 135, e96–e121.
2- Mekary, R.A.; Giovannucci, E.; Cahill, L.; Willett, W.C.; van Dam, R.M.; Hu, F.B. Eating patterns and type 2 diabetes risk in older women: Breakfast consumption and eating frequency. Am. J. Clin. Nutr. 2013, 98, 436–443.
3- . Purslow, L.R.; Sandhu, M.S.; Forouhi, N.; Young, E.H.; Luben, R.N.; Welch, A.A.; Khaw, K.T.; Bingham, S.A.; Wareham, N.J. Energy intake at breakfast and weight change: Prospective study of 6764 middle-aged men and women. Am. J. Epidemiol. 2008, 167, 188–192.
4- Kubota, Y.; Iso, H.; Sawada, N.; Tsugane, S.; Jphc Study Group. Association of Breakfast Intake with Incident Stroke and Coronary Heart Disease: The Japan Public Health Center-Based Study. Stroke 2016, 47, 477–481.
5- Gajre NS, Fernandez S, Balakrishna N, Vazir S. Breakfast eating habit and its influence on attention-concentration, immediate memory and school achievement. Indian Pediatr. 2008 Oct;45(10):824-8. PMID: 18948652.
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