My husband loves this Basic Green Strawberry Banana Smoothie too, we’ve been having it off and on most mornings. It’s perfectly sweet and creamy, but also with hidden veggies in there for extra nutrition to make eating balanced no hassle! I love having smoothies for breakfast on days where I know I need some good fuel to keep me full all morning – adding nut butter and chia seeds adds extra fat and protein, important for staying satisfied and fuller, longer. When it comes to a satisfying meal, we need all macronutrients (carbs, protein, and fat) to give us staying power and balanced nutrients.
This creamy, delicious smoothie is a basic balanced breakfast to fuel you all morning long! Packed with delicious fruits, seeds, nut butter, and veggies to make eating balanced easy.
When it comes to intuitive eating, one of the biggest misconceptions is that it’s just about eating whatever you want, whenever you want. Intuitive eating is much more complex than that – it’s about listening to your body, breaking free from diet rules, honoring your hunger/satisfaction/fullness, but also paying attention to how you body feels with different foods, and also applying gentle nutrition in a flexible, non-rigid way. So what does this mean? This means some days you may want some yummy waffles with syrup and butter because that sounds delicious, while other days you know a balanced smoothie will fuel you best for a long work day. And the best part of all, it’s all personal – only YOU know what works best for you.
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